2021 CX Industry Report

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2020 was a historic year. While shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer have subsided, people all around the globe are still adjusting to a world with limited in-person connections. The experience has put organizations and consumers in an interesting position—all of us grappling with the same challenges. And through these experiences, one thing has become clear: empathy for your customers and fellow humans isn’t optional.

In its eighth annual CX Industry Survey, UserTesting asked over 4,750 professionals how their organizations are meeting the challenges and opportunities in today’s customer-centered industry. 

Three key themes stood out this year:

  • Feedback has gone remote (and there's no going back)
  • The pandemic has intensified the focus on CX
  • Teams have to do more with less

Download the 2021 CX Industry Report to learn how the industry is evolving and how your organization may be impacted.

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