2022 CX Industry Report

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Over the past several years, it’s become increasingly clear that great customer experiences (CX)—the kind that can only be developed through a deep understanding of your customers’ needs and expectations—is an essential requirement for any successful organization.

The challenge with all that buy-in and support? Organizations are now feeling the pressure of pent-up demand for rich, actionable human insight that's erupting across every industry, every size of organization, in every corner of the world.

In its ninth annual CX Industry Survey, UserTesting asked over 5,100 professionals how their organizations are meeting the challenges and opportunities in today’s customer-centered industry. 

Three key themes stood out this year:

  • Human insight is in high demand
  • Improving CX maturity hasn't translated into execution (yet)
  • CX is both a solution and a challenge for many executives

Download the 2022 CX Industry Report to learn how the industry is evolving and how your organization may be impacted.

2022 CX Industry Report
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