How marketers rely on human insights to engage customers

By Shyna Zhang | August 7, 2018
How marketers rely on human insights to engage customers

As a marketer, I’ve often found myself in the position of having to quickly turn around market-facing messaging or content. Whether it’s email messaging, website language, or brand concepts, marketers need to be able to quickly understand what will resonate with customers. Leading-edge marketers are always on the lookout for ways to optimize the customer experience at each stage of the buyer’s journey. Access to fast human insights is one of a marketer’s most effective tools to better connect with customers throughout their journey. Gathering human insights from your customers enable your team to directly connect with people who align with your ideal buyer personas, on-demand. Whether you conduct your research through live interviews or remote, recorded feedback, you can identify how customers naturally search for solutions to a particular challenge or need. By understanding your customer’s organic journey, you can meet them where they are in the buying cycle and create meaningful experiences throughout their journey. Once you identify your buyer’s journey, you can discover even more about your customers by exploring things like:

  • How well do customers understand the vocabulary you use?
  • What message does the ad convey?
  • How to best sort and prioritize product images for a new product
  • How effective are you at communicating who you are and why you’re special?
  • Which email copy resonates best with customers?

After you start to understand specific points in the customer journey, you can also step back and learn more about broader journeys. For example, UserTesting customers have learned more about their customer journeys by exploring:

  • How do people research Medicare plans?
  • What’s the customer journey for choosing a hotel?
  • How do parents initiate the process of finding a toy?

UserTesting helps marketers tap into valuable customer insights to help drive awareness, increase consideration, and influence purchasing decisions by discovering customer attitudes, understanding the buyer journey and quickly validating messaging and material. In our most recent whitepaper, Using Human Insights to Engage Buyers Throughout their Journey, we’ll walk you through how marketing teams discover more about their customers by interacting with them directly—before launching their campaigns. In it, you’ll learn how to effectively engage your target audience to improve your buyer journey, including:

  • Understanding your buyer
  • Uncovering the "why" behind the "what" in your analytics
  • Quickly validating that marketing messaging and materials resonate with customers

Human insights are a marketer’s best friend. Keep the conversation with your customers alive and well by continuously connecting with and learning from them. Download Using Human Insights to Engage Buyers Throughout their Journey today to learn how your marketing team can use human insights to engage buyers through their journey.

Using Human Insights To Engage Buyers Throughout Their Journey

Learn how to effectively engage your target audience and perfect the buyer journey.

About the author(s)
Shyna Zhang

Shyna is part of the UserTesting Product Marketing Team. She's passionate about helping organizations test assumptions and re-imagine their customer experience. What 'truths' have you tested today?