Forrester Study - The Total Economic Impact™ of the UserTesting Human Insight Platform

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UserTesting delivers a 665% ROI over three years

The Total Economic Impact of the UserTesting Platform

To create amazing customer experiences, brands need to incorporate feedback and insights across the entire customer journey. By bringing the customer into every decision, companies can deliver more value for their customers and better returns for their businesses.

A recent Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) Study, conducted by Forrester on behalf of UserTesting, illustrates how organizations using the UserTesting Human Insight Platform can realize $2.03M in value and 665% in ROI over a three-year period.

Forrester’s analysis showed that a composite organization adopting the UserTesting Human Insight Platform would achieve:

  • 140% lift in average annual customer spend
  • 60% improvement in online conversion rates
  • A two-week reduction in development cycles on avg.
  • A payback period of less than 3 months

To create the study, Forrester interviewed five UserTesting customers. One participant in the study, a digital product designer in the retail industry, noted, “In regard to e-commerce, right when we started using UserTesting, our conversion rate was just over 2% which was really just okay, but not that great. Two years after using UserTesting a ton, we are at 3.5%. That is a huge Improvement. I mean we’re talking millions of dollars a month, that’s a huge lift.”

To learn more about the full results of the benefits, costs, and impact of the UserTesting Human Insight Platform, download the report today.

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