UserTesting success story: B2B software reviews company relies on human insights to power innovation

By Stephanie Kong | November 28, 2018
UserTesting success story: B2B software reviews company relies on human insights to power innovation

A leading B2B software reviews company empowers businesses by highlighting the Voice of the Customer and making this information available and accessible. Their review platform showcases more than half a million independent and authenticated user reviews, and every month millions of buyers rely on this data to make informed buying decisions. So it isn’t a surprise that securing customer feedback is a major part of the company’s culture and the basis for its innovation. When it comes to understanding what their customers prefer and the improvements they should make, they rely on UserTesting for fast, actionable insights. Analytics data indicated that their category pages drew in the most traffic and generated the most new business. Knowing that their website was a critical part of business success, the team honed in on the metrics that typically drive organic performance to improve their placement in search engine results, including Google. They turned to UserTesting, using remote, unmoderated testing to get feedback on which changes to make. The Product Manager on the project notes,

Our studies consisted of seven to ten questions, instructing participants to go to certain pages of the site, explore them and then asking if they were able to perform a certain task. In this effort, we were trying to get general feedback on what people liked, didn’t like, and anything that they thought was missing.

The team learned that when it comes to customer preferences, sometimes actions speak louder than words. The PM shares,

If you ask a person, ‘Do you want this on the page?’ the person will say ‘yes.’ But if you ask a person to use the page, and you have the opportunity to observe them to see what they are looking at and what they find valuable, you’ll find that they don’t actually end up using or clicking on the things that they initially insisted that they wanted.

Taking this feedback into account, the team created three variations and then A/B/C tested these designs on their website to zero in on a winning design. After applying the winning template to all category pages on the site—a feat that took about two months— the team saw a 12 percent decrease in bounce rates to their site and an increase in traffic to their site. By sharing videos, the team was also able to confidently make customer-centric decisions. A UX Designer on the team adds.

We base nearly all of our design decisions on data. We want to make sure that we aren’t relying solely on feelings or assumptions. We want to make sure that we’re testing our ideas so we can more confidently back up decisions and the rationale behind them.

As the team grows, they've found that sharing customer insights has supported effective and efficient decision-making. The UX Designer concludes,

That is one of the main reasons that we want to structure and create more visibility in our process. By having stakeholders watch videos, it’s one way to ensure that they have heard what our users are saying and that it has influence over how they are basing their decisions.

Want to learn more?

Read the full case study here. If you’d like to learn more about how UserTesting can help you understand your customers through on-demand human insights, contact us here.

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About the author(s)
Stephanie Kong

Stephanie is a product marketer with over ten years of experience in brand and product marketing spanning the publishing, online advertising, consumer electronics, and SaaS enterprise products industries.