10th edition

2023 Experience Research Industry Report

Keeping pace with customer expectations

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In the 10 years that UserTesting has conducted this survey, it's encouraging to see that that business leaders no longer need convincing that investing in developing a deep understanding of customers is worth it. 

For the 10th edition, UserTesting and UserZoom asked 1,857 professionals from around the world across a variety of industries how their organizations approach experience research.

The report highlights these key findings:

  • Demand for experience research continues to increase
  • More teams see the value of experience research
  • The rise of ResearchOps suggests organizations are getting systematic with human insight
  • Evolving trends point to the importance of continuous customer interaction and value creation

This report is for anyone where customer experience is an important part of your role or organization. 

Cover of the report 2023 experience research industry report
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