Executive summary

How inflation is affecting APAC travel

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Validating travel and hospitality assumptions

As inflation strains the global economy, learn how this affects travel and accommodations in the APAC region. As consumers adjust spending habits in response to unpredictable markets, businesses must understand how their current and prospective customers feel and how they can help.

While quantitative data can show you what's happening, qualitative data adds color to black-and-white metrics. While we can assume inflation affects travel plans for APAC residents, we should validate it and try to understand. 

Using the UserTesting Human Insight Platform, we conducted qualitative interviews with APAC residents to learn more about how travel plans are evolving in response to inflation and why. While many responses aligned with our assumptions, we were surprised by others.

Fill out the form to access the full report and learn how APAC residents in India, Australia, and Singapore respond. 

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