What should artificial intelligence do, and what should we keep?


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As we see ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) could revolutionize how researchers, designers, and digital product teams do their job, the question is—what are we comfortable with AI doing? What would it be good at doing, and what should we keep for ourselves? 

AI has gone mainstream with the explosion of generative AI like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney, putting the power of AI at our fingertips. But we’re in the early stages of discovering its potential in the context of experience research. Using AI for entertainment is one thing. It’s another to figure out how much we should rely on AI to automate parts of our job reliably and responsibly. Is AI being overhyped, or is it here to stay? 

Layla Zomorod, Senior Product Designer at ShopifyOli Mival, Senior Director, Global Head of Research & Insight at Picsart and Kelsey Turbeville, Senior Product Manager at UserTesting offer their views on how they see AI impacting the role of UX researchers, designers, and product teams.


Layla Zomorod

Senior Product Designer
Oli Mival

Oli Mival

Senior Director, Global Head of Research & Insight
Kelsey Turbeville

Kelsey Turbeville

Senior Product Manager
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