How to test your app store listing

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Is your app store listing turning away potential customers?

Mobile apps carry a lot of business. 44% of organizations use them as their primary marketing technique for customer retention. The benefits of optimizing your app store listing are vast, including improved customer adoption and retention.

Today, apps serve as part of your digital store and your app listing is the storefront. When competing against a sea of apps in the app store, you depend on your listing to: 

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Promote downloads and engagement
  • Setup your customer experience
  • Garner customer reviews

Your app store listing should use be easy to understand for your audience. It needs to entice people to download while also making sure it's setting the right expectations. When you app store listing is confusing, misleading, or doesn't offer the information your audience needs, it's turning customers away. 

And all of it is accomplished in a limited amount of space. Testing and optimizing your app store experience is just as critical as testing and optimizing your website. If improving your app store experience is a priority, download the guide for everything you need to know.   

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