Retail and ecommerce, Technology

Amazon Seller Central + UserTesting

Watch how Amazon leverages insight from existing and potential customers to improve the seller experience
Industry: Retail and ecommerce, Technology
Company Size: Enterprise
Role: Executive, Marketer, Researcher
Customer Type: B2B

About Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central is an online dashboard used by millions of third-party sellers to manage and list products on the Amazon marketplace. Within this dashboard, sellers manage inventory, advertise products, and open support cases.

Innovations for Amazon sellers

Human insight, delivered in the form of videos from existing and potential Amazon sellers on UserTesting’s Contributor Network, helps Amazon address a wide range of business problems.

Ryan Melcher
Director, Selling Partner Interfaces at Amazon
"The value of understanding human insight is that it leads us to understand how dynamic our customer base truly is and how it evolves every day. It's never static. It requires us to keep evaluating our products, to see how we can make them better and more powerful for sellers."
Ann Hsieh
Head of Research, Principal at Amazon
“Quantitative research can only get at the ‘what.’ UserTesting really helps us understand the ‘why’ very quickly. That helps us make Seller Central profitable for sellers as well as enjoyable for buyers.”