Financial services

Finastra + UserTesting

See how customer insights help Finastra improve its financial software for customers
Industry: Financial services
Company Size: Large
Role: Designer, Marketer, Product Manager, Researcher
Customer Type: B2B, B2C

About Finastra

Finastra, a global FinTech company, unlocks the power of finance for everyone with a suite of innovative products. It has more than 8,500 customers, including 90 of the top 100 banks globally.

Finastra achieved

Higher conversions
Improved ease of use
Quicker and more confident product development


Finastra is building an open platform that accelerates collaboration and innovation in financial services, creating better experiences for people, businesses and communities. Finastra delivers this vitally important technology to financial institutions of all sizes across the globe, including 90 of the world's top 100 banks.

But they wanted to better understand how different groups of people—from 25-year olds to 65-year olds; from the tech savvy to the technophobe—engaged with their products.


Finastra’s design team regularly consults about what they want to test, creating a testing roadmap. From there, they write a plan, test, and share the results with the team. Smaller tests can happen quickly, with larger tests having more reviews with a wider team. Results are shared with colleagues throughout the organization, including via a UserTesting Slack channel and during Agile sprint reviews. 

Shamraiz Gul, Senior UX Lead, loves how quickly he receives user feedback. “I can think of a test and draft it in the morning and have results within half an hour,” he said. “Speed allows me to iterate. If I see users are struggling with specific instructions, I can then change a step and send it out again and, within three minutes, I’ll find contributors breezing through it now that the obstacle is gone.”


From developers to the C-suite, Gul said everyone loves the benefits they get from user testing. “I love making highlight reels,” he said. “I can show the product team that people really are using it this way; or this layout really is better. And back it with the video evidence. It gives us that much more credibility.”

He said user testing has increased conversion, improved the product’s ease of use, and increased the speed of product development with more confidence.

Shamraiz Gul
Senior UX Lead, Finastra

“A tool like UserTesting makes it much easier for us to understand how customers are using our solutions, and negates the need for additional time-consuming research."
