
Helen Keller International + UserTesting

Learn how Helen Keller International leveraged user insights about their website to boost engagement and donations
Industry: Non-profit
Company Size: Medium
Role: Marketer
Customer Type: B2C

About Helen Keller International

Founded in 1915, Helen Keller International (HKI) is among the oldest international nonprofit organizations devoted to fighting and treating preventable blindness and malnutrition.

Helen Keller International achieved

Increased brand engagement and donations
Increased customer focus
Improved outreach campaigns


Helen Keller International’s website plays a critical role in the nonprofit’s outreach, but it needed to be updated. “We were missing valuable opportunities to boost engagement and donations,” Andy White, digital communications manager.


Helen Keller International (HKI) leveraged UserTesting's platform and audiences to see and hear first hand how a user might navigate their website site, and why.

UserTesting's audience was critical to this work because it allowed the team to reach users who reflect HKI’s target demographic, as identified during previous persona research. HKI learned that not only were users unable to quickly discern the organization’s mission due to its location on the website, but that users didn't understand its language when they did find it.

This information was critical to more than just a website redesign; it played a role in the development of HKI’s brand messaging.

Finally, the nonprofit asked users to compare its previous website to those of its peers and learned that while they were competitive, they were missing opportunities for easy improvements.


HKI shared recordings of its UserTesting research with project stakeholders, including members of its Board of Trustees.

This allowed the nonprofit to bring the voice of a prospective website visitor or potential donor directly into the room, and into the decision making process.

Andy White
Digital Communications Manager

Thanks to UserTesting, we’re able to now center our business decisions around external, objective feedback. That’s made us more effective and more efficient. It's no longer, ’I feel like we should…’ but rather, ‘Our users are saying…’