Likert scale

Likert scales assess the degree to which a test participant agrees or disagrees about a given statement, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 commonly representing “strongly agree,” and 1 signifying “strongly disagree.” Due to the numeric scale, these assessments offer more insight than a “yes” or “no” question, which is often too black and white and doesn’t allow for any neutrality.

No matter your test subject, Likert scales can measure a contributor’s satisfaction, perceptions, opinions, and attitudes. 

Where are Likert scales used? 

  • Customer surveys can come in all shapes and sizes. One of the most commonly used survey types is customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys. These surveys use a Likert rating scale to get a sense of whether or not you’re meeting customer expectations. Picking a number, a contributor may answer that they’re “very satisfied,” “slightly satisfied,” “neutral,” “dissatisfied,” or “very dissatisfied.” 
  • In a qualitative interview, you can ask for more clarity on a test participant’s rating scale answer in real-time. For instance, if you’re conducting a moderated test on an e-commerce website, you may want the contributor to offer a number on their satisfaction with the usability of the homepage. Whichever number they choose, ask them to expand for more insights. If they were dissatisfied, they may mention that the navigation bar is clunky, the overall font is too small, or that the search bar is hard to find. If they were satisfied, they may praise the quick loading speed or the organized drop-down menus. 

What are the best practices for creating Likert scale questions? 

1. Clarify the endpoints of your rating scale. 

2. Include both sides of the rating scale in your question, as well as in the endpoint fields.

3. 1 should always be the “pain” point of the rating scale, and 5 should always be the “positive” point. 

4. Use the optimal number of points on your rating scale.

5. Measure one element or action at a time with your rating scale. 

6. Gain deeper context by allowing additional information in your rating scale.