How to make money online

Whether this is your side hustle or just a way to earn money online fast from the comfort of your own home, learn everything you need to know about how you can get paid to test with UserTesting!

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How do I get paid to test with UserTesting?

All contributors receive payments in USD through PayPal (you can then convert to your local currency via PayPal if desired). You must have a confirmed PayPal account that’s in good standing to receive payments. We recommend using a verified personal PayPal account.

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How much will I get paid to test?

Amounts range depending on the test type—your dashboard will always show you the amount you'll get paid for each test.

Please note that you won’t be paid for the practice test you submit as part of the application to join the UserTesting Contributor Network.

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How can I take more tests to earn money online?

While the number of tests available to contributors is dependent upon our customers’ needs and the contributor profile, getting high ratings on tests can increase the number of test invites.

Customers can review your feedback to make sure contributors are who they say they are and effectively communicate their feedback. It is important to take your time to complete every test properly.

Contributors with high ratings receive more test invites so that we can ensure that our customers receive quality feedback. If you run into a problem and are unable to complete tasks, report a problem instead of submitting an incomplete test. Incomplete tests will often result in 1- or 2-star ratings from customers.

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How long does it take to get paid to test?

For standard tests, payment is typically sent 7 days after a test is completed. Occasionally, PayPal has 24-48 hour delays on payments.

Occasionally, a customer might offer you a bonus for completing a longer test or a multi-part study. If a customer promises a bonus, the payment is generally updated 10-11 days after the test is completed.

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Can I keep track of my payment history?

On your UserTesting dashboard, you can view your payment history, along with ratings and other information about tests you’ve taken.

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Do I have to pay taxes on what I get paid to test?

UserTesting doesn't withhold any taxes from your payments. As a contributor, you're responsible for determining and paying any tax liabilities incurred from payments received by UserTesting.

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