Mobile testing

Mobile testing is the process by which mobile apps and digital experiences (like websites and ecommerce) are tested for relevance, functionality, usability, and consistency.

Why mobile testing is necessary for building mobile experiences

So much of people's lives are spent using mobile devices and consuming mobile experiences. Reports show that consumers spend more than five hours a day on their smartphones, doing more than just performing searches—things like reading emails to checking their bank accounts to watching videos, and even attending classes for school. The smartphone has also become the go-to device for a wide range of activities including shopping, banking, job search, and so much more.

So with reliance on mobile devices growing and only expected to rise, it’s critical that you ensure your digital experiences are up to snuff for the more than 2.7 billion smartphone users across the globe.

Types of mobile testing

There are three main types of mobile testing:

Mobile application testing

According to eMarketer, most deleted apps are removed within a week after the last use, indicating that apps must prove their value to users with every use, or risk obsolescence.

The solution to this challenge? Consistent testing throughout an app's development—and after launch.

Mobile web experience testing

It's not just apps that capture the attention (and thumbs) of consumers. Mobile web traffic continues to increase, with traffic to mobile websites increasing over 11% from 2019 to 2020, according to data from SimilarWeb. With a smaller screen, and thus less real estate for content, the mobile experience is inherently different compared to desktop. And, according to Adobe, nearly 8 out of 10 consumers would stop engaging with content that doesn’t display well on their device.

Real-world experience testing

As societies adapt to a more distanced existence it's important to understand how people interact with mobile experiences in real-world settings. Whether it's an app, mobile web, AR/VR, or any other experience that involves a smartphone, observing those interactions in a natural setting is critical to creating an experience that resonates with and is useful to your users.