
Philips + UserTesting

Read how Philips uses empathy to quickly create digital experiences that resonate with consumers
Industry: Technology
Company Size: Enterprise
Role: Researcher
Customer Type: B2B, B2C

About Royal Philips

Royal Philips is a leading global technology company with 77,000 employees operating in over 100 countries, focused on improving people's health and well-being, and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum – from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care.

Royal Philips achieved

A world-class customer-first approach to agile innovation
Higher quality insights in 80% less time
15X increase in test volume


In 2020, Philips Digital Marketing and E-commerce team (DMEC) was established to accelerate the direct relationship between Philips’ brand and its customers. In order to drive every aspect of innovation and satisfy fast evolving customer needs, the DMEC team needed a way to integrate consumer and customer insights using the Agile way of working. Specifically, Philips’ Direct to Consumer strategy for digital transformation required a new, more agile approach to collect, analyze, and act on consumer insights to drive action and align more closely with other teams.


At Philips, employees know that collaborating with other innovative and creative minds can bring ground-breaking innovation—including collaborating with partners who share Philips’ aim to improve lives through impactful solutions. That’s why Philips’ Digital Marketing & eCommerce team began using the UserTesting platform. It proved to be an effective, easy to use, and scalable solution to help Philips meet an increasingly wide range of business challenges over time.

Within a single day, researchers, designers, product managers, marketers, and “growth hackers” at Philips are all able to find specific target audiences, like expectant mothers and experienced health care professionals. The range of test types is vast, from testing concepts for early stage product-market fit, to diving deep into unmet consumer needs to help teams gain a more intuitive understanding before customers even ask, to gathering real-world feedback for optimizing digital touchpoints. With UserTesting, these use cases are addressable by Philips without having to spend time and resources to travel, recruit, incentivize, or manage people for each project. And with this large set of use cases, Philips was able to establish a scalable and agile process to ensure teams test early and often, turning it into a key part of Philips’ current global consumer-centric strategy.


Since adopting this agile approach, Philips has scaled the solution across its teams and regions. As a result, Philips is better equipped to develop more products and services that satisfy unmet consumer needs with precision. Its teams have greater confidence to identify more solutions that close experience gaps. This also resulted in an increase in the diversity of human perspectives available from which employees can analyze to craft compelling narratives that drive action. Consumer feedback is not only higher quality but obtained in roughly 80% less time compared to traditional methods. With the majority of tests completed in under 3 hours, Philips gained the autonomy to test 'as needed', resulting in its overall test volume expanding from approximately 2 per month to 1 per day; a nearly 15X increase. As a result, costs are down because rework is down. Philips’ partnership with UserTesting has helped create a world-class customer-first approach to agile innovation, risk mitigation, and sustainable growth.

Jiaqi Mao
Growth Hacking Lead, Digital Marketing and Ecommerce, Philips

“We can co-create digital and product experiences with our target customers on a daily basis with UserTesting. No other solution makes it easier and faster to be Customer First, regardless of what we’re building.”
