Capture candor with unmoderated focus groups

December 12, 2022 | 12 PM PT

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Have you ever wondered what your customers say about your brand when you and your colleagues aren’t around? While Net Promoter Score (NPS) captures the odds that a customer would recommend you, this doesn’t necessarily tell you how they feel. And these feelings matter, as they directly inform factors like purchase intent and loyalty. 

In this webinar, we’ll explore how to leverage unmoderated testing to foster conversations between your customers. By giving your customers an opportunity to talk about your products and services without you in the room, you’ll be able to capture the candor of their everyday conversations about you. Armed with that information, you can design experiences that align with how they collectively interpret your brand.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Empathize with customers by providing them with a forum to discuss core aspects of your brand
  • Design unmoderated focus groups that will foster candid conversations between your customers
  • Analyze the unstructured data that you get in a way that will drive alignment with your stakeholders
  • Leverage the results of these unmoderated focus groups to drive key business decisions



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Lawrence Williams

Solutions Consultant