Financial services

ING Spain + UserTesting

Learn how ING Spain increased their research volume across their teams globally
Outside of ING Bank
Industry: Financial services
Company Size: Large
Role: Designer
Customer Type: B2B

About ING Spain

ING Spain is a native digital bank with more than 4 million customers. Present in the country for more than 20 years, the bank has a business model focused on delivering easy, transparent and smart products and services. ING is the most recommended bank in Spain and has become a key and disruptive player within the local banking industry.

ING Spain achieved

Team members enabled in UX research
Increase in research from 21 studies per year to 289 studies per year
UX decisions made with confidence, validated by customers

Democratizing customer insights

As part of ING’s ongoing commitment to leading the way in being customer-centric, they needed to establish an end-to-end testing flow from exploration to validation across all their teams.

The challenge? Incorporating end-to-end testing into an agile workflow where customer journey experts (CJEs), ING’s business-oriented profiles representing the customer, in the teams far outnumbered researchers.

They knew that giving each team autonomy to lead their research with customers would be crucial, but that they also had to ensure the quality of research was up to their high standards.

Ensuring UX research quality

Javier Sierra Merino, User Research Expert Lead at ING Spain & Portugal, developed a plan to turn CJEs into researchers.

They created an international program covering four countries that explained the basics of UserZoom, including guides to research methodologies, study templates, best practices, and a shared research calendar.

The training and templates allowed the research team to organize better and monitor all the studies conducted by the CJEs across the key design phases.

Expanding research with 100+ customer journey experts

Through UserZoom’s unlimited seats for customers and their custom-built training program, Javier’s team was able to turn more than 100 CJEs into researchers who could conduct tactical user research autonomously.

The CJEs participated in 289 tests and collected feedback from more than 23,000 customers.

The next aim is to extend this framework to the rest of the organization.

Javier Sierra Merino
User Research Expert Lead
"It has everything to do with scaling. ING is a company that is fully customer-centric, but the only way that we could scale the amount of time we have with users was by partnering with UserZoom as an enabler. With UserZoom's guidance and software, we got feedback from 900 users a week."
Outside of ING Bank