Top 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Infographics

By Spencer Lanoue | September 21, 2015
Top 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Infographics

Conversion optimization is hard.

And 7 out of 8 A/B tests don’t increase conversions at all.

Most people use what I call the Spaghetti Method: they look at their site and randomly decide what to test based on their opinion. They throw spaghetti at the wall and hope that something sticks.

But there’s a better way

These 10 infographics break down step-by-step processes you can use to come up with A/B test ideas that move the needle forward. They'll also give you tactics to help you:

  • Analyze your web analytics data
  • Gather user feedback
  • And combine them to generate actionable insights

1. Nine steps to better conversions


This infographic from Conversion Rate Experts explains their 9 step conversion optimization methodology. Following this process will help you figure out what tests you should be running, how to analyze your data, and use those learnings to come up with even better hypotheses for future A/B tests.

2. Checklist for the conversion rate optimization process


Modgility’s CRO infographic breaks down a 9 step process for optimizing your conversions. It shows you how to set your key performance indicators, collect data, turn that data into hypotheses, test a new treatment, and analyze your results. Like Peep Laja said, “If you’re focusing on tactics, you’re doing it wrong.”

3. The perfect execution to conversion rate optimization


Only 1 out of 7 A/B tests actually increase conversion rate because, for the most part, people just randomly decide what they want to test (like red vs green button). But in this infographic, Neil Patel lays out a conversion process that will help you learn how to come up with the right test ideas so you can get results that actually move the needle.

4. Increase your conversion rates


This infographic from Creative Thirst shows you exactly what to test in order to make improvements on your site. It lays out a systematic approach to A/B testing that will help you win more often. What I really like about the process in this infographic is how it lays how to combine both quantitative and qualitative user behavior data, and mashing them up to formulate better hypotheses and A/B tests.

5. 10 ways to convert more customers using psychology


All of the previous infographics have been about conversion rate optimization processes, but this one dives into the psychology of conversions. The author, Gregory Ciotti from Helpscout, breaks down 10 psychological principles and shows you how to apply them in your design to increase conversions.

6. The A-Z guide to conversion rate optimization


The A-Z Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization from Kissmetrics gives you 26 actionable design improvements to test—one for each letter of the alphabet. They’ll helps you improve your user experience, conversion rate, and online sales/signups.

7. Holy grail of of eCommerce conversion optimization


This infographic was created by CueBlocks (but I originally found it on the Moz blog). It’s a 91-point conversion optimization checklist that shows you how to engage your website visitors at every touchpoint. I really like two things about this infographic. Not only is it actionable, but it’s also has a unique board-game-style layout.

8. What should I be A/B testing?


There’s so many different things you can test. To help you come up with ideas, this infographic breaks down 10 different page elements you can test. For example, big vs. small pictures, long vs. short copy, text vs. image buttons, and many others. I personally recommend using a data-driven approach to come up with A/B test ideas, but this infographic is a good place to start if you’re looking for a couple quick ideas.

9. Online testing essentials


We spend so much time building things, but your funnel’s never really complete until every piece of it’s been tested and optimized. In this infographic, Kissmetrics outlines 5 different things that are good to regularly test and optimize, including: PPC ads, landing pages, and email campaigns.

10. How to optimize conversions for the 3 major website types


This infographic from Neil Patel shares a bunch of tactics you can use to optimize for ecommerce, lead generation, or user signup sites. It’ll show you specific ways each of those types of sites can sell more products, generate more leads, or get more people to signup for an account.

Bonus: The 12-step landing page rehab program


In this infographic, Unbounce’s founder Oli Gartner breaks down 12 different things you need to think about when designing your landing pages. My favorite tip is: one page, one purpose. Every landing page should have one specific purpose: to get visitors to take one specific action. And everything on the page should work towards that purpose.

Hope you enjoyed these infographics

And I also hope they help you use a more systematic conversion optimization process. Instead of testing random things that you think would be a good idea to test, dig into your web analytics, collect user feedback, and mash them together to come up with data-driven hypotheses.

Further reading:

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About the author(s)
Spencer Lanoue

Spencer Lanoue is a marketer who helps UX designers, PMs, and marketers make things people want.